Why should I meal plan
If you hate the thought of meal planning, keep reading to find out the benefits and why you should do it. Make sure to follow me on Instagram too as I often share tips on how to implement and keep to habits – and this is the one I swear is most important! Before you know it you will start meal planning, keep meal planning and stop wasting food plus so much more…
So what’s so good about meal planning?
1. You save TIME.
If you have ever uttered the words “I don't have time to meal plan”, you definitely haven't thought about all the time you will save by meal planning, I guarantee you will be in time credit if you do. The way in which you will save time is multifaceted! You don't have to visit the supermarket multiple times a week because you have planned in advanced and got everything in one weekly shop. AND you don't spend 15 minutes every night wandering around the Kitchen thinking about what to make
2. You save MONEY
Again, there are many reasons why meal planning saves you money. Primarily it is because you only buy what you need, but also because you aren't making multiple trips to the shops which allows more opportunity for impulse purchases
3. You eat more healthily
It is human nature to do the easiest thing and take the path of least resistance. If we are busy which most of us are, we will grab the easiest food which is usually the unhealthy food. However if we have planned ahead we know what's for dinner and we've made the decision on what's for dinner at a time when we are not hungry then it is a lot easier to plan healthy meals and stick to eating the healthy meals.
4. You waste less food
We are all so much more aware now of our impact on the planet. it feels terrible when you have to throw food away. If you have just gone to the supermarket and purchased a load of random stuff, then it is highly likely you will end up with food waste. You will be forever asking yourself “how can I keep on top of my fridge” as it constantly ends up with out of date produce in it. By planning you buy what you need and I'm much less likely to have to throw food away. Who doesn't want to save the polar bears?
5. You gain head space
For the clients I work with this is usually the biggest benefit of implementing a meal planning habit. With so many things going on in our lives nowadays, adding “what's for dinner?” into the mix is usually the straw that breaks the camel's back! To be able to look on the wall and know what you are pulling together for dinner that night is priceless.
Have I convinced you that it’s worth it?
Don’t forget to follow me over on Instagram where I often talk about HOW to do it and how to STICK to doing it by making it a habit