Business owner’s summer routine
Today I'm talking about... embracing the summer switch: making the most of your summer routine- some good work-life balance tips for entrepreneurs here!
What is a Summer Switch Day?
So, what on earth is a summer switch day?
Well, this is how I think about it.
Most of us will find that there is a certain point in July where we go from our regular routine into a summer routine, which is basically not really a routine! And while we are all busy creating a meaningful business sometimes we dont give ourselves a break and recognise this “switch”
Whether it's related to children being off, going on holiday ourselves, or just the fact that lots of other people are away and all over the place, there is usually some kind of switch whereby we go into a less predictable pattern.
There are pros and cons to it aren't there. Yey for a break in the monotony but argh for the stress of more decisions to make for one.
Making the Most of Your Summer Routine
Today, I'm going to give my thoughts on how you can be sure to have the best possible experience of your summer routine, whatever that might look like for you. Kind of time management tips for entrepreneurs but not exactly in the way you might think!
What do your ideal summer hours look like?
By this, I mean:
Are you planning to work every morning and take every afternoon off?
Are you taking the whole summer off completely?
Are you wanting to work two days and take three days with your family or something else?
Whatever that looks like, plot it out on a bit of paper or in your calendar so you can see it clearly.
What part does work play?
If you're taking the whole summer off, then before you reach your summer switch date, consider:
Is there anything that needs to happen?
Are there non-negotiables for you?
Will you be scheduling some marketing or switching off completely from everything work-related?
Whatever it looks like, just have a think about what you need to do to make that happen.
Make space for it to happen
Next, think about what you might need to stop, start, continue, or change doing in your business to allow you to achieve the summer routine that you want. For example:
You might want to stop marketing.
Continue client work.
Start scheduling social media or outsourcing.
These are, of course, just examples. Maybe you want to stop everything altogether.
And then it's September!
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Connect with me on SM and come tell me what you plan to stop/start/ continue!